ARC REVIEW Texas Reckless by Gerry Bartlett

Sierra MacKenzie has enough issues with her ranch she doesn't need some city slicker coming in and making her feel all gooey inside like Rhett does. She shouldn't be trusting him as easily as she does but something about him is trustworthy and he's proven he can be. Someone has been cutting her fencing, poisoning her cattle, and now they burned down her horse barn. She knows the company who wants to build a huge development on her land so they can have highway access is behind it all she just can't prove it. But after the horse barn she calls in her hot shot attorney brother and between the three of them they can figure out what's going on and who, local, is behind all the incidents and hopefully tie it all to the big developer. Meanwhile the chemistry between Sierra and Rhett runs hot, and they both give into to temptation.
Overall, it was a fantastic read. It was an exciting non stop page turning story that had me hooked from the beginning. I loved the characters and the situation they found themselves in and how they got out of it. I kind of hope Dylan MacKenzie gets a book now.