ARC REVIEW Heartbreaker by Inara Scott

Bad Angels #1, The real reason I picked this book... the dog. How could I say no to that face! I love mastiffs, I wish I could have one. New author for me and usually not much for a billionaire romance but I was pleasantly surprised by this book. It is a opposites attract/rags to riches romance which I enjoyed. Third person POV that switches focus from Mason to Tess so you get both sides of the story.
Tess came from a rough environment with a flaky mother who was constantly on the lookout for a new boyfriend or a new high. After making some poor life decisions as a teenager Tess moved in with her grandmother and started to take care of her. Now at the age of 26 she's finally getting her life in order she got her GED and is taking online college courses while working three jobs.
Mason came from a loving home and succeeded at everything he did, except relationships. Good grades in high school, football star, went to Harvard and MIT and earned billions in investing in other people. His relationships on the other hand don't seem to last after the fourth date. Mason's sister, Alli, guilts him into taking care of her 200lbs mastiff, Wick, who just had surgery and is taking medication that's makes him pee, a lot. Unable to give the dog the constant supervision he needs Mason hires a dogsitter. Seeing how adept Tess is with other dogs he begs her to take this job and even offers an outrageous sum of money for her.
Mason is completely taken with Tess, he's never met anyone like her before. She's a hard worker, great with animals, she calls him out whenever he starts flirting, she doesn't want anything from him except to work and get paid, and underneath her ill fitting baggy clothes he knows she's beautiful inside and out. Mason understands that Tess is as afraid of relationships as he is and after they start their non-relationship he's constantly worried that she'll bolt. Tess' past has taught her not to rely on anyone and she's afraid to let her guard down with Mason because his track record with staying with a woman is practically nil she's afraid he'll leave.
Overall, it was an entertaining read. I loved seeing their relationship grow into something more despite all the avoidance in communication with each other when it came to the really important stuff. The chemistry was great, it was obvious from the moment they set their eyes on each other it was going to be hot. I liked the side characters as well, and establishing the friendship and how deep it goes between Mason and the other Bad Angels and Tess and Cece. I look forward to the rest of the series.