ARC REVIEW Crave the Heat by Marnee Blake
The Smokejumpers #2, This can be read as a standalone. The two main characters in this book have quite a bit of baggage and throw in the suspense and you have a good read. It didn't jump out and catch my attention like I hoped it would but it wasn't bad. It went along at a steady pace the suspense and action were very good the romance is what got me. Dak and Heidi's attraction was pretty much instantaneous but Heidi moved to Oregon to escape her past, her ex and all the grief that relationship caused so she's pretty hesitant to get involved with someone again especially someone who such a high risk job. Dak has family drama up the wazoo, back home for the first time after ten years and the first time he sees his father it's only because his father needs him to do something and thinks he can manipulate Dak, he's very wrong about that. The romance, it was pretty hot and heavy at times but Heidi's wishy washy, back and forth actions got old quick, after the second time you just want to smack her upside the head and say, "it's a good thing".
Dak is a smokejumper he gets roped into acting as a liaison between the reservation and the forest services. Heidi is new to the arson investigator position here and she doesn't know a lot of people when first assigned a liaison she's a bit put off but the hottie ends up really helping her by introducing her to people who could actually help her. For Dak the series of fires happening on the reservation is personal and even though he knows who might be behind this he tries to fix it himself instead of informing Heidi and the local authorities. Which in the end causes a big rift between him and Heidi.
Overall, this was a good read. I really enjoyed the climactic conclusion to the events and when Dak and Heidi were together and she wasn't running scared I liked them together.